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At Jacksonville Epoxy Pros we turn floors into gorgeous, glossy expanses of seamless perfection. We are experts in turning drab old slabs into shimmering visions of perfection and we can perform our miracles on everything from a simple home garage to the largest industrial space. Got a warehouse you want to be safer, more resistant to bumps and bangs, and free from ugly oil stains and tire scuff marks on the floor? We can do that. Are you in the pharmaceutical or food preparation business and need an allergen free, chemically resistant sealing for your floorings? We can do that. Got an airplane hangar that needs to exude class and gleam like a new Gulfstream jet? Or maybe you've got a garage for your auto that you'd like to look good enough to house a Gulfstream. We can do that to.
The reason why we can do all of these things is that we have the expertise not just in epoxy coatings or overlays, but a deep down knowledge of the concrete that lies beneath. Because we understand the aggregates, and can assess the dustiness or damage of old concrete we can give you an accurate assessment of just what needs to be done to create a new look or a new surface that will bond with the old sub floor and leave you with a lifetime of great looking flooring. So call Jacksonville Epoxy Pros now about how we can completely remodel your home, your industrial spaces, or commercial properties. Or fill in the email form on this site – if you have the questions, we have the answers. |